Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming . . .

This week, let's just start with the pictures.  Mmm-kay?

My Mom's a good Mom.

Happy Days Are Here Again

This can lead nowhere good . . .

He loves baths!

Jake is still very vocal, and can wear on nerves (few things give me headaches, but he's given me a couple now), but with help from Nana Mimi (Laurie's Mom) and additional reading, the last few days have felt a little like progress.  Most "solutions" only last a couple days, and I'm not sure we're past that, but we think part of the problem is that he's underslept.  Solving that isn't necessarily strait forward.  Let him sleep, right?  Uh, yeah, but we're getting better at it.

Really, we've had pretty good success the last few days with getting him to sleep, with a greatly expanded repertoire of techniques.  Among them:  more ways to hold him, and many variations on those;  talking, singing, music, sh-shhing (though he's not particularly fond of that), and/or white noise; walking, rocking, telemarking (he loves that);  patting, rubbing, gently joggling; pacifiers, warm and cold.  And we're getting better attuned to his signals, to include how his eyes, arms, and head are moving.  That helps us get our timing right.

So, as it turns out, he may not have an attitude problem.  He may just need better parents, which we're working hard on.  And in case Mom was worried, here's this weeks' video (using Corel VideoStudio - 1/2 off on Friday!):


  1. Ok, I am not sure, but if you watch the video very closely, you will see there is an elephant trying to wake Jacob up. If you get rid of the elephant, or at least have a stern talking to with him, you problems with sleep might be over.

    Good luck and keep the pictures coming. I am also glad to hear you are teaching him some telemark skiing techniques early.

  2. Love, Love, Love the video!!! Hang in there. I admire your persistence and determination. Grady, I wonder if you'll have some gray hairs the next time we see you. Hee hee. Let Jake know he's not convincing his aunt and uncle it'd be great to be a parent and not just an aunt and uncle. :) Let's Skype soon, maybe Thursday... Twyla
