Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is there a light at the end?

Actually, there's a light each day.  Little smiles, eyes following you (or the jingly piggy) around, and the occasional coo or gaa.  But we're still trying all sorts of things to get/keep him calm, or occasionally asleep.  More schedule.  More feeding.  More effective feeding.  Better burping.  Cold pacifiers.  Gas medicine.  Acid reflux medicine.  Ritalin.  Talking super nice (in lieu of the usual shhhh'shing).  Just kidding about Ritalin. 

Laurie is tireless.  Necessary since the kid is tireless, but she never loses her patience or cool.  In fact, she's getting more patient and loving.  Mom instincts are pretty amazing.

So, nothing new, except he's a little fatter (and I forgot to post this blog on the 20th).

1 comment:

  1. Laurie, I hope Grady tells you this every day! You are both doing a great job parenting, the hardest job there is out there.
