Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nurses are nothing short of genius saints

I'll start this post by announcing his new name: Jacob "Jake" Dean Tibboel. Yay!
Those who say the day their baby is born is the best day of their life, are of suspect credibility to me. It is no doubt a very happy day, and a very crazy day. But there is so much uncertainty. And pain and blood. Thank goodness for the great kindness, patience, understanding, skill, and experience of the nurses.

The first full day after was wonderful, again thanks to excellent nurses (residents, assistants, even students). They've been teaching us as much as we're ready learn, but also have a way with babies (at least, with our baby). When we've exhausted our ideas for calming him down, a nurse will step in and invariably, within 30 seconds he's quietly sleeping or bobbing away. They calm him, and calm us, and ease our anxieties, and provide good news about his health (he can hear!), and make Laurie comfortable, and remind us how beautiful he is. In case we forgot (we didn't).

Tonight we all go home. The first crying spell without a nurse nearby is going to be a little bit tough. We'll get through it, and all the ones after, but we'll miss those wonderful nurses!


  1. Bummed I missed your Skype last night. Maybe we'll see if we can catch you this evening. Or guess at least me since Greg was here. Amazing that the package arrived in two weeks! It was meant to be.:)
