Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tadpole's Got Legs!

I got to see Jake do a couple short, apparently un-self-aware, stands on the trip here.  But yesterday he clearly picked up on the idea that he could stand himself.  Today, he worked on that and tried taking a couple steps on a few occasions.  Slightly more controlled than his earlier attempts to just start running, with a subsequent dive into his best sprint-crawl.  Looks like a new trick for his Grandparents' visit next weekend!  Good thing he'll be keeping them entertained, since I have a test Tuesday and an appalling amount of reading to do.  I don't have walking video yet, but since I'm posting, I thought you'd all enjoy this, too:

I've had to have a word with young Master Jacob about making fun of local culture based on ridiculous stereotypes.  Not sure if I convinced him.  (if you're curious - that's a couple pieces of corn; he didn't much like it yet)  Here's a nicer picture to end with, just because I think I should:


Aug 26.  And now, a follow-up photo as evidence.  Aside from walking Jake (just before the fall), note the super-duper reflective tape on the car seat.  That's was an early Dad-add for when it was attached to the stroller.  The jogger stroller is covered in the stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't notice his two front teeth this when we Skyped!! Those came in quick! Twyla
