Monday, January 24, 2011

3 months, 1 week

This week's exciting news: Laurie's 2001 Subaru Impreza turned 200,000 miles. And, in a stroke of good luck, it was able to reach that milestone in the White Mountains, on the way to go skiing . A good sign for the next 100,000!

But you're here to read about Jake, so I'll get on with it. He's still sleeping well, and is generally either attentive or playful when he's awake. Except during mealtime, during which he still tends to get a little worked up. He added "ooh's" and "oh's" to his repertoire this week, and seemed to start taking notice of the interesting phenomenon of the mirror, watching his hand touch itself (might have just been enjoying the feel of the smooth surface, I suppose).

3-month Lobster Shot!
This upcoming week is Laurie's last before she returns to work, so it will have some inevitable anxiety. Will he get along there? Will they keep him on his sleep schedule? Will he start getting colds and other bugs? (he managed to dodge mine and Laurie's in the last couple weeks) Will Laurie survive her own guilt complex?

Here Comes the Crank!
I imagine that after some transition pains, this will work out okay. The daycare is on-site in Laurie's office, so she'll be able to see him during the day. And I expect that, like Krystal (the very helpful Nanny), they'll be better at keeping Jake well slept and fed than we are. They, surely, also do not want a cranky baby. Mornings will likely be the hardest part to learn - so stay tuned to find out how we (mostly she) get through it!


  1. Thanks for the update. Wow, he is really changing quick. He is full on cute now. I am also glad to hear there is some skiing going on. You guys have quite the life going on. Keep it coming, and we need to try and skype more.

  2. Good luck with the transition next week! Jake's first experience (I guess second after birth) in adapting to a new environment. It's really wonderful that Laurie's work has a daycare. Why doesn't that happen everywhere? He's looking great! I love his smile! Make sure to tell him his Chacha (Greg) and Chachi (Twyla) (though I could have those wrong since there is an absurd amount of names for relatives) in India are thinking of him. Hope you get in some more skiing, woohoo!
