Sunday, December 19, 2010

9 weeks

Did I say last time that it felt like we were making progress?  It reminds me of the oh-so-many times that I've been out on my bike, thinking "Wow, I'm getting in good shape.  This feels great,"  only to find out I had a tail wind.  At which time I think, "Wow, I fell for it again," as I head back into the head wind.  We are still able to get him to sleep, but it's typically restless, and with periodic "resets."  Walks and car rides still do the trick most of the time.  Prime suspects are acid reflux and/or an allergy.  Laurie's now down to eating chicken, turkey, corn, peas, potatoes, and squash--largely constrained by her own dietary habits, in add'n to the key allergy suspects.  If it works she can try adding items one-by-one.  They can't do allergy scratch tests until 4-5 months.

In the meantime, Jake continues to develop and grow.  He's got an award winning smile (fatherly conjecture - we haven't entered him into any contests by which to take the awards yet), his eyes track like a hawk, and he's getting slowly more vocal.  He's putting on inches and pounds, and his current favorite awake thing is to stand and jump - with a little balancing assistance.  He's also quite the flyer now that he holds his head up well.

Uncanny . . .
Okay - here's the update.  More pics and a video (sorry - it's not of Jake this time).  First - after a couple months of waiting, we now have evidence that he looks more like me!  The next shows that Jake is a big fan of hooters (not the restaurant, which is, however, under fire for marketing to children/families).

See the resemblance?

Okay, so he's only 1/4 Irish. 

Bundled for Blustery Boston

He doesn't last long in laps, but we're finding
other ways to get some reading in.

Compare to the earlier lobster shot.
(This is clearly a Maine lobster)

Top 3 cutest?  Or . . . . #1!  Yeah, baby!

And now, dah-da-da-daaahhh:  the video.  With all the noise in the house, Laurie and Monster have had to find a way to work out some stress and anxiety.  Fortunately, they've been able to find a mutually beneficial way to do that!